FaithActs support friends with their home-based services and gifts


Contact Silky at 86996086 for enquiries on manicure and pedicure services at her home.

Craft & Hobbies

Knitted Scarf, Dolls & Accessories

Contact Sophia Cheong at 9818 8497 for purchase of items (knitted scarf, dolls, accessories and miniature hobbies) as shown on her photo catalogue. Partial proceeds to be donated to FaithActs.


Sourdough Bread

Contact Silky at 86996086 to order sourdough bread, minimum 2 days in advance.


Contact Edwin, your dessert and florist specialist 9663 1732 for your order.


The society is a registered charity with the Registry of Societies and the Commissioner of Charities. We are a full member of the National Council of Social Service and Institutions of a Public Character since 2008.

UEN: T04SS0050J Charity / IPC Regn No. 01824/000582


The Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) is the principal data protection law in Singapore governing the collection, use, disclosure and care of personal data.

FaithActs respect and are fully committed to complying with the provisions of the PDPA and other applicable data protection laws in Singapore in our collection, use and disclosure of personal data.

PDPA Guidelines



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